Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

From Psychology Today:

Weird question #3: "Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?" Although this may be interpreted as a means for finding out if an applicant is motivated to advance in the organization, there are two possible problems with this question. First, it is prone to getting a socially desirable answer (e.g., "I see myself moving up the ladder in this company"). Second, it can trigger responses that might lead to discrimination (e.g., "I would like to get married and start a family"). This question, like the others, gains little information that is actually related to the applicant's potential as an employee.
--"Weird and Wacky Job Interviews: Bad Hiring and Bad Psychology" by Ronald E. Riggio, Ph.D.

I got asked this question by an employer back when I was interviewing for jobs when I first moved here. I was in my third round at this company, in a panel interview with three team leads. I had been told that I was the only person this far along in the process being considered for one of 4 positions, and the team leads wanted to chat with me to see on whose team I would fit best.

The interview was wrapping up and one of them hadn't said anything the whole hour. Finally he leaned forward and said, no smile, "I just have two questions. First, can you work 10-7?"

Me: Yes, that's no problem.
Interviewer: My second question is, where do you see yourself in five years?"
Me: (deep breath) I just hope I'm working alongside people who inspire me and that I'm being challenged each and every day.
Interviewer: (pause. straight face.) So where do you see yourself in five years.
Me: .....................................................................................

A week later I found out I didn't get any of those four positions. And I haven't regretted it.

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