Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm not afraid of hard work

my Third Place coworkers

When I say that you should quit your job if you're unhappy, I don't mean because it's too much work. People often assume that 20-somethings are dissatisfied with their job because it's too hard, and not fun enough. As if our idea of fun was bouncing around a McDonalds play gym all day.

Actually, the best job I've ever had was working at the Third Place Coffeehouse after I got laid off last year. It was also the hardest job I've ever had. I remember one Saturday morning my coworker called in sick, and I ended up running the place alone. There were 15 people in line, and I was taking someone's money at the register while ten bagels cooked in the oven and I had a shot pulling at the espresso machine while steaming milk for someone else's drink. There was a crowd of people around the register waiting for their food and drinks to come out, and I thought I was going to either collapse or cry.

So I don't mean that all blue collar workers should quit their construction jobs to pursue a career in freelance writing. Or that all recent college grads should try to start their own art gallery. Obviously a lot of experience, saved money, and strategic networking is required to make that kind of endeavor a success, and besides, it's not everyone's calling.

I'm saying the exact opposite of what people often assume—I only want to work hard. Whether that's heaving milk crates from one room to the next or storyboarding a short film, I want to go home at the end of the day feeling like I've accomplished something.

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