Friday, July 16, 2010

the risk of doing nothing

Instead of fearing all the ways you could fail if you really went after what you cared about, you should be fearing all the ways you are missing out by continuing to do exactly what you're doing right now.

Do you daydream about quitting your day job to write a fashion blog? You probably shouldn't look to your friends or parents for affirmation, who may tell you all the reasons doing so is unrealistic. Instead, contact other fashion bloggers to request informational interviews to see what action steps are required for you to feasibly pursue your goal.

Do you want to take a trip to Europe, but are worried about it costing too much money? Research air fare, lodging and other costs—then look at your bank account to see how many months you'll need to save to make it happen. You might need to trade in your Aveda shampoo for Pantene. But then you'll get to effing go to Europe!

The alternative: You keep on doing the exact same things you are now, gaining nothing but losing nothing.

But are you really losing nothing?

I've read a lot of good articles recently about the risk of doing nothing. Many of them take us back to Econ 101 and demonstrate the opportunity cost of doing nothing. Every week that you fail to act on your ambitions and continue to suffer the status quo you are dissatisfied with, you are actually losing another week of potential happiness, meaning, experience and even money that will result from doing what you want to do.

Not to mention: Our minds and bodies are finite. The harsh reality is that each week you are getting older. You are dying.

So what did you lose this week by doing nothing?

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