Friday, July 9, 2010

friday still feels good, even when you freelance.

Man, it doesn't take long for a routine to fall apart. I slept until after 10 today, took my sweet time having coffee and cookies for breakfast with my roommate, then sat down to work not long before noon.

But part of the beauty of a routine is that it provides space for spontaneity. I haven't decided if the fact that I am still in pajamas after 2pm is the kind of spontaneity that generates creativity, or simple laziness.

Can I leave you with a preview of the branding concept Matt Michelson did for me?

Matt calls the concept "print simplicity."

Basing the logo on text feels very writerly, and clean and minimalistic like my copy.

I also love the big A and little G for my initials.

He used the "free but delightful" typeface Sorts Mill Goudy.

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