Monday, March 1, 2010

How to cut your own bangs in five minutes

I started cutting my own hair when I was unemployed, and now it's pretty hard to justify coughing up 50 bucks for a trim. Every couple of months I cut my bangs super short and just let them grow out until they turn into long scraggly grease muffins again.

I've been cutting my own hair for almost a year, and this weekend was the first time I didn't make a huge mess of my bathroom and face. Here's how.

Estimated time: 5 minutes.

1. Get a decent pair of scissors. Like this:

I think they generally run about $20. My roommate's parents happened to have some and she snagged them.

2. Spread a newspaper out over your bathroom sink. I used the Safari Gazette that I got for free at the Pine Mountain, Ga. Wild Animal Safari I went on last weekend for Brian's birthday. But any paper will work.

3. Wash your hair and dry your bangs. I SAID DRY! Drying them first is the secret. Using a comb and a hair dryer on high heat and low speed, brush them all to the left across your forehead, then to the right, back and forth until they are dry and fall straight down across your forehead.

4. Using a fine toothed comb, comb down a section of the bangs and... snip. Cut them a little longer than you think you want them, since they'll bounce back up after you release the comb.

5. Do this a few times and you've got yourself a haircut. Clean-up = throwing out the newspaper.

Obviously I now need to clean up those eyebrows.


Sapphyre said...

you're one brave girl- if I tried having mine that short, they'd stick straight up in the air like a quiff! The last time I cut my own bangs I think I was in 7th grade... yep, 7th grade. My first year in England. They looked HIDEOUS- I was horrified and so upset about it. I never did it again! The most I've ever been charged is $10 at a salon to have just my bangs trimmed up/cut back in & $10 is well worth the money if it means I'm not rocking the "i accidentally got stuck in the paper shredder" look that I know I'm oh so capable of. lol.

Brittany said...

You are brave, but the bangs are lovely indeed. Maybe I'll get to see them sometime soon.

Brittany said...

Congrats, you've received the Happy 101 blog award! ;)