Has anybody noticed, and been disturbed by, the recent influx of American Apparel web ads? There was a period of a few weeks where almost every site I visited, including work-related sites and my local (totally square) newspaper's website, would load and, surprise! There hung a skanky American Apparel banner ad at the top of the page.
According to some I'm the last to notice.
However, now when I visit those sames sites to find hard evidence for my claim, there are no AA ads to be found. Was their strategy to stage a kind of temporary blitzkrieg attack, followed by a period of latency as the under 22 crowd takes a hiatus from Internet surfing and returns to higher education?
Has anyone had a similar experience this summer of observing the mainstreamification of American Apparel, watching it seep into the nooks and crannies of suburban America and follow innocent citizens into the workplace, or am I the only one who's been feeling violated, perplexed and slightly terrified for the past three months? Is there any place left that remains sacred? Also, what would Mad Men say about this?
[Incidentally I came across this awesome Onion article.]
I'm not sure if this is totally accurate, but I think sometimes if you visit a commercial website like AA, they put a cookie on your computer so when you visit other sites it displays AA ads. I could have made that up, though - I'm basing this theory off this one time I visited the American Girls website and all of the sudden there was American Girl banner ads on everything, even places where it seemed slightly inappropriate.
Now I really want to visit the American Girl website. And read "Happyland."
I haven't seen the banner ad with the cloned leggings arrayed in different colors in a while. You know the one that looks like the poster to the Michael Keaton hit comedy Multiplicty?
And V-toria's theory scares me greatly.
And that Onion article gave me a LOL.
I don't like Vtoria's theory because it requires me admitting that I visited AA's website.
Are you saying you haven't? There is no shame in that.
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