Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 2 as a Freelance Writer.

Yesterday went well. I walked, swam and biked, and still accomplished all my objectives. One of my main goals right now is to work exercise organically into my routine each day. In fact, tomorrow I will post the full list of career and life goals I made a few months back. I think it will be good to keep a record of the goals I set as well as the action steps I am taking to realize them.

People keep asking me if I am scared. I'm actually not. It seems like every time I start to doubt the number of opportunities available or my ability to accumulate work, I run into someone else who wants to connect me with their former neighbor's uncle who used to freelance copywrite for this ad agency...

Last night, even, I was at a dinner party, just chatting with my friend Lauren, and she volunteered the names of four different people she wanted to connect with me. I really believe that the best way to "network" is to go out more.

I've been wondering how I should use this blog. For now I will use it to document the ups and downs of freelancing, and to publish my goals and objectives in order to keep myself accountable. I will post once a day during the week, usually around 10am.

I worry, though, that using the blog this way is both vain and boring. I want to make my experience beneficial to others who are unsatisfied in their current profession, or unsure of what they want to do, or struggling to find work in a poor economy. I want to be open about my triumphs and failures, my joys and fears, and the steps I am taking to make this new phase work. (I've even thought about publishing money details, like how much I've saved, what my monthly budget is, and how much I make on different projects.)

What do you want to get out of this blog? How do you think I can directly benefit readers and avoid turning it into a vanity project?

On that note, here are Today's Objectives:
  • Post to Vintage Sincerity (check).
  • Write thank-you notes to my employers at the job I left.
  • Turn in TNGG article to my editor.
  • Follow up with my friend Lauren on the connections she mentioned.
  • Streamline and focus the copy on my resume.
  • Follow up with JHPii, who may have some work for me revising their web copy.

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