I've suspected for the last two or three episodes that Chuck Bass has my phone. No,
not that old thing, my new phone, the Samsung Omnia, the child of that unholy and spectacularly corporate alliance between Verizon and Microsoft. (Bill Gates actually cried, "Mwa-hahahaha!" when the papers were signed.) Basically, the Samsung Omnia is trying to be the iPhone for people who don't want AT&T, but is really just another example of Windows screwing up good technology. But even though it takes me 5 minutes to make a phone call and it's physically impossible to hold under my ear with my shoulder, I love my Samsung Omnia because it's really pretty and has Internet.

Anyway, I became very excited last night when Chuck was making a phone call to Connecticut to track down the nanny hooker from his dreams and the 5.0 megapixels camera lens shown above peeked out over the back of his hand. I still don't have a smoking gun, but I am 71% sure Chuck Bass has my phone. I will try to snag a screen shot when there are more illegal videos posted to YouTube and I have less mono.
This post sponsored by Verizon Wireless.
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