As pleased as we all are (pleased as punch) that Aaron Rose is finally, finally gone, and despite the fact that I felt a smidgen of "aw" when Dan's and Serena's lips flew to each other like moths to a flame in the Constance Billard hallway (BTW: What, exactly, is the proximity of the boys' and girls' schools? Everyone is always all up in everyone else's hallways), the masochist in me strangely misses that sinking twinge of uneasiness and despair that Aaron breathed on us like a Dementor's kiss. In a way he was the anti-Chuck, the (supposedly) good that made you feel bad, in contrast to the bad that made you feel good. There was a certain symmetry to that -- all the more now that Chuck's and Aaron's declines coincide, and besides, don't we all know that in real life Aaron Roses aren't shed so easily?
So can we look forward to/dread any more of this pasty rodent with ill-fitting clothing and a knack for manipulation games, haunting Serena during her most vulnerable moments, cropping up out of nowhere with his "I like to date multiple people at a time" eyebrows and a well-timed "I think I'm in falling in love with you?" And when are we going to find out that Aaron was the guy with whom Eric's boyfriend, Jonathan, was slutting around? That plotline practically writes itself.
Serena dumping Aaron over the holiday feels too convenient, even for Gossip Girl's typical wham-bam post-hiatus expositions. And are we to believe he watched HBO and ate ice cream out of cartons in their shared hotel room while S. tangoed the night away at various discotecas? I hope I speak for all of us when I complain that we deserve something bigger, something messier.
How would you have liked to see Aaron go?
Also, how bad do you feel for this guy?
Also also, how amazing was Blair's face in this scene?

1 comment:
I agree that we needed a better resolution -- I think that actor that played Aaron Rose realized the role was ruining his career for forever. But ugh, Serena and Dan are more sickening than ever now. I feel like as Blair and Chuck become more and more amazing, the other characters are acting bland (Serena) and insufferable (SHUT UP JENNY).
The Aaron Rose from the image search is actually a well known New York artist -- I think NY Mag or Gawker had a thing on him a few weeks ago. Unclear if Cecily von Ziegesar based the book Aaron Rose on the real life artist.
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