Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Why I Don't Regret Voting for a Republican Governor

Scroll down to the bottom to hear the Democratic candidate for governor's repulsively racist "chili con carne" ad ("Immigration Ad 2"):

From the News and Observer:

Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue has launched two last-minute radio ads that Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory's campaign says are "racist" and "outrageous."

One ad features a narrarator who states that Perdue has a strong record against illegal immigration.

Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory is lying about Bev Perdue and illegal immigration. The word for "liar" in Spanish is "mentiroso."

The other ad features "Bill" and "Henry" who say that McCrory has let jobs go to illegal immigrants.

Bill: Hey Henry.

Henry: Hey Bill.

Bill: What you doin'?

Henry: Oh, about to have some lunch. Just opened a can of chili con carne. Care to join me?

Bill: Sure, a little Mexican sounds good.

Henry: Huh, maybe I should I invite that Pat McCrory over too. Have you heard what he said.

Bill: Oh, I know. I read about it. McCrory said it's good that illegal immigrants are here because they're building a lot of our buildings right now.

Henry: Does he think he's running for governor of Tijuana or something?

"This is an outrageous, personal and racist attack," said Richard Hudson, campaign manager for McCrory. "This is a despicable act of desperation by the lieutenant governor that marks a new low for North Carolina gubernatorial politics."

Perdue said Monday night that she was felt it was necessary to respond to ads launched by McCrory and the Republican Governors Association. One mailer by the RGA states that Perdue is rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants. One mailer showed up at her house in Chapel Hill.

"When it came to my own house, my own mailbox...enough was enough," Perdue said. "So we've set the record straight...It's an issue that's hard for the people of North Carolina. We want documented folks in North Carolina."

Immigration ad 1

Immigration ad 2

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