Did anyone else actually watch the premiere of 90210? (I have to admit/brag, I've only seen the first episode. It is HARD to find time during the workday to sneak in 40 minutes of television!) Did anyone else think the writers made the new Walshes from Kansas just so they could call the first episode, "We're Not in Kansas Anymore?"
I was pretty disappointed with the A.V. Club review, which I won't even bother linking to. B? I will apologize up and down for poorly written and poorly acted, yet "entertaining," teen dramas like Degrassi, but I won't condone assigning them better grades than episodes of My So-Called Life or Twin Peaks. I especially can't grasp why a critic who claims not to "get into" the originial Beverly Hills, 90210; Gossip Girl; or "any show that features rich teenagers" would grant this episode such high marks. Who is Claire Zulkey, anyhow? But I realize I am playing critic to a critic, so I'll stop.
As a rule, I love pilot episodes, but this one only moderately engaged me. (Handicaps: I was at work, and I was watching it on YouTube.) Both the story and dialog were less than nuanced (for which it hurts to see Freaks and Geeks' Gabe Sachs take credit), every scene was chock full of eye-rollers (once again, an attractive, intelligent English teacher jerks kids awake with his unconventional, no-nonsense attitude!), and Shenae Grimes just does not belong on primetime.
That said, I will probably watch 90210: The Next Generation (as I'm calling it) religiously. I look forward to some more of that adopted-brother-on-sister sexual tension, and I predict millions of other viewers will tune in each week for what will soon become the hottest "Will they or won't they?" since Mulder and Scully.
Cue disturbing (and ironic) use of MGMT's "Time to Pretend."
One last remark: opening scene... how long do you think that "roadtrip" actually lasted? 7-10 minutes?
And a general poll: Do you think I overuse parentheticals?
Yeah...I watched the first two episodes and I wasn't too impressed. The implied incest and the general anorexia of the female cast were turn-offs. And I'm tiring of this "upper middle class family enters the world of the extremely wealthy" plot line. It got good ratings, though, so maybe it will stick around.
Also: CORY KENNEDY?!? Eww. Gossip Girl gets such better cameos.
What can I say? I watched "90210" in a vacuum. A candy-coated stupidly entertaining B is not as good as a B episode of 30 rock probably but it seemed disingenuous to give the pilot a bad grade just because it's not as good as other shows. You'll probably hate what I have to say about "Privileged". cheers!
Claire Rigsby? cool!
Lucille Bluth never looked better. And incest you say? So Arrested Developmentesque.
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